Hydrant check

Hydrant check at the Moosrain water supply association

We would like to demonstrate the LD2 maintenance management product using the example of the “Moosrain Water Supply Association”.

Among other things, the customer counts on the LD2 maintenance management to carry out the periodic maintenance work in a coordinated and well documented manner. GIS objects are added to a field service task with just a few clicks. This tells the sales force how many objects are to be inspected and where they are.

Your advantages:

  • You can see how many objects there are to check and whether the task has already been completed
  • The condition evaluation takes place in real time during the data comparison
  • Clear task management in the company
  • The entire history of tasks and evaluations is always linked in the system with the LD2 GIS
  • Confusion security
  • Guarantee that the work was carried out on site, as the maintenance screen only opens in the blocked radius

Activities in the field are location-specific. Using GPS, the employee can find the place where maintenance or repair work is to be carried out, since the system knows exactly where the task is.

The associated plan is updated every second with GPS support. Mixing up objects is almost impossible.

The report can only be completed when the employee is standing in front of the property.

This gives the customer the assurance that their task will be carried out properly. Only in this way is it even possible to outsource certain tasks to the service provider.

The field service employee can only save the input of the report within a restricted radius. The object is also evaluated automatically.

The type and number of input fields can easily be specified by the customer for any type of task.

When the field service employees come to the company from the field, the data with a fingertip on the touchscreen via WLAN into the GIS and played in the management software. New tasks are immediately played on the mobile device.

Conveniently, the condition assessment is carried out fully automatically by the LD2. The customer only opens the desktop application of the LD2 maintenance management and sees IMMEDIATELY wHow many percent of the tasks have been completed and what the previous inspections have shown.

So there are no more annoying paper forms and spreadsheets!

Suspicious objects can then be quickly added back to a repair task. A task is fulfilled when there is no longer any object in the list. The status of every open task can be monitored at any time in the desktop application.

The employees like the handling of modern end devices. You identify with a well-documented management plan. The supervisor has the option of viewing the status of field service activities at any time and using the knowledge gained to budget or plan repairs.
"LD2 maintenance and task management" using a few examples:

  • Inspections of pipeline objects for all trades (electricity, gas, water, sewage, ...)
  • Organize and monitor repair tasks
  • read the meter
  • Obtaining information from objects in an organized manner
  • many other possibilities that we are not even aware of because the system is extremely scalable
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